How can I make an absentee report?


Making an absentee report in 360Members requires that we first make a smart group to determine what group of people we want to look at. So, to start, click on the gear in the top right corner of the page, and select Smart Groups. From there, create a new smart group of people who are living, who have not attended (Select the calendar you're wanting to run this report for), in the last (Select the time period you're wanting to run this report for) weeks, and then, who have attended (the calendar you're running the report for) in the last (time period you're running the report for +1 week), and save your smart group.

What this smart group might look like is this:


What this will do is create a list of people who have attended events on the calendar you pick within a certain time period, but not within the time period you're looking for, so for example, this smartgroup would find everyone who's attended worship within the last 5 weeks, but haven't attended worship within the last 4. If you don't indicate that you want to see people who have attended within the last 5 weeks, in this example, you'll see everyone in your system who hasn't attended within the last 4 weeks, including people who haven't attended for years. By adding the 5 week line, it narrows down which people you're looking at. 

Next, click on reports, and then click the "New" button and click Attendance. This will bring up an attendance report. Set the date range that you'd like to look at in the date picker under where it says "Attendance" in bold text. Make sure, in the case of our example, to include a 5 week time period. You'd want to set your date range to whatever the higher range of your time period is. Finally, on the right side of the window, where it says "Attendance of", set your smart group to the smart group you just created. This should then show you the last time each of the people attended.