Navigating Communication Settings


In this view, users can create templates, defaults, and message types for your Communication module.


Settings related to emailing through the Communication view are found here.

  • Edit template for - Under this section, users can use the drop-down menu to select the template for a message type to edit the contents of the template. In the text box below the menu, type additions or edits to the template.
  • Email Sending Name - This section allows users to choose the name they would like associated with the emails sent from the Communications view. This will not include emails sent from the People view via client; those emails are sent by the default email account on the users' computer.
  • Email Sending Address - Under this section, users can choose the email address they would like associated with the emails sent from the Communication view. This will not include emails sent from the People view via client; those emails are sent by the default email account on the users' computer.
  • Email Selection Priority  - This setting will help users quickly choose email addresses by type for each person to be used when a message is sent. If the type chosen as priority number one is unavailable for a chosen person record, the next available type will be selected. Users will always be able to review their email addresses and tweak priority settings while choosing the audience for their message.


Settings related to sending text messages through the Communication view are found here.

  • Personalized Opt-in Message  - Under this section, users can create a default personalized opt-in message to email to their congregation to sign up for text messages. This message can be sent out from the Texting view.
  • Edit template for - Under this section, users can use the drop-down menu to select the template for a message type to edit the contents of the template. In the text box below the menu, type additions or edits to the template.
  • Phone Number Selection Priority  - This setting will help users quickly choose phone numbers by type for each opted-in person to be used when a message is sent. If the type chosen as priority number one is unavailable for a chosen person record, the next available type will be selected. Users will always be able to review their contacts and tweak priority settings while choosing the audience for their message.

Voice Messaging

  • Credits - Here, users can see how many credits they have currently for the Communication module and how many credits are to be used soon for messages scheduled to be sent out in the future.
  • Phone Number Selection Priority  - Like text messaging, this setting will help users quickly choose phone numbers by type for each opted-in person to be used when a message is sent. If the type chosen as priority number one is unavailable for a chosen person record, the next available type will be selected. Users will always be able to review their contacts and tweak priority settings while choosing the audience for their message.

Message Types

Message types are used to group different kinds of messages to help your congregation choose whether they'd like to opt-in or out of certain messages. By default, Announcement, Invitation, Prayer Request, and Reminder types are automatically available. However, you can also click on the "Add new" button to add a new message type. You'll want to keep these message types concise as congregational preferences show each of these as a message group that one can opt out of.