Attendance Detail Report and Last Date Attended


The Attendance Detail Report is a view that shows a person’s attendance, attendance percentage, and last date attended during a given date range. The report can be filtered by using Smart Groups and calendars.

You can select a date range by dragging the slider at the top of the view left or right. You can drag the ends of the slider to shorten or lengthen the date range, or you can click in the middle of the slider to drag the entire section without changing the length. Alternatively, you can click on the dates in the top left corner and use the calendar that drops down to adjust the date range.

You can change who is included in the report by changing the Smart Group in the top right corner. If you want to include people who did not attend, check the box next to “Include those who didn’t attend” in the top left corner.

You can choose which calendars to include in the report by using the drop-down in the top right corner.

In the upper right corner are options to download, print, and save the report for future use. In addition, you can compare the same report to previous years that use the same date range and calendar selection.


This view does not save any selected options. It will always default to showing all people on all calendars for the past six months, excluding those who didn’t attend any event.

The bottom section of the view is a list of all people who attended in the chosen time frame based on the selected Smart Group and calendar. Next to each person’s name should be a bubble representing each day. Here are the meanings of the different bubble colors:

  • Blue: The person attended the event.
  • Gray: The person did not attend the event.
  • Light Gray: No event occurred on that day.

To the right of the bubbles are columns showing the last date the person attended an event, the total number of events the person attended, and the percentage of the events they attended, all based on the given date range. Click on the column headers to sort the view by those columns.

The rows next to people’s names change color based on the percentage of the events the person attended. The darker the green, the higher the percentage is over 50%. The darker the red, the lower the percentage is under 50%.


The Attendance Detail Report calculates attendance percentage using the following formula: the number of events the person attended divided by the number of weeks that have an event scheduled.  This means that as long as a person attends at least one event on a week where an attendance event is scheduled, they will be marked as attending that week, instead of being marked down for not attending each event available that week.

 Here is how to view and save an Attendance Detail Report:

  1. Click “Reports” in the top navigation.
  2. Select “Attendance Detail” from the list of reports.
  3. Adjust the dates by dragging the slider or by using the calendar drop-down in the upper left corner.
  4. Create or select a Smart Group from the drop-down in the upper right corner.
  5. Select the calendars you want to include.
  6. Click “Save” in the top right corner to save the report for future use.




Note:  Your report will be saved for later viewing under the Reports tab.  The report will be starred, which adds it to your report list as a favorite.

Note: The Attendance report calculates percentage of attendance by the following formula: number of events person attended divided by number of weeks that have an event scheduled.  This means that as long as a person attends at least one event on a week where an attendance event is scheduled, they will be marked as attending that week, instead of being marked down for not attending each event available that week. 

Note: You can set where a week starts from your General Settings menu. Click on the gear in the top right corner of the page and then select General Settings and then, in the "Start Week On" box, select which day you would like to count as the start of the week.