How do I mark contributors as giving jointly?


When adding in envelopes most times there are couples that give together.  Here are the steps to setup those givers who are contributing jointly:

  1. The first thing that we will need to do is make sure that the givers are marked as husband and wife.  This can be done through the individual's profile view.  Once that is done there are two ways to mark a couple as contributing jointly.

  2. The first option would be to go to Settings --> Envelopes and find the individuals and check the box that says contributes Jointly.  This will combine there giving unit into one new unit.  The second option would be to go into the person's individual record and update the contributes jointly option in the family section.  Note:  Envelope numbers are lock based upon the last offering batch. 

  3. Once the box has been checked verify that the envelope number is correct and click "Save".  If the number is not there or needs to be changed you can type that number in the "New Envelope" box.

Individual Profile View:

Envelope Page:


Note on joint contributions:

When two people are giving as individuals, they are counted as individual giving units. When they become married, a new joint giving unit is created (let's call our couple "Jim and Jan").

When a new offering batch is created after the union of "Jim and Jan," the person entering the offering may no longer select "Jim" or "Jan" as individuals. This is without regard to any date -- neither the date of the offering batch nor the union of "Jim and Jan."

When a contribution statement is created, it will report contributions given by the individual, followed by contributions given by an associated "jointly contributing" giving unit. The individual statement and the joint statement are on separate pages.

Again, the date of the union of the two givers is irrelevant. For example: Before the union of "Jim" and "Jan," offerings may be recorded on both 9-1-17 and 9-19-17 for both "Jim" and "Jan." If they are married on 9-9-17, joint contributions may be recorded on 9-18-17, but the contributions for 9-19-17 are not changed.