Adding an Equity account


Equity accounts contain funds that your church doesn't need to repay like it would a liability. 

Equity accounts can also be used to track fund balances from year to year or track a special reserve to declare restrictions on how the congregation’s assets may be used; however, users will generally use (Equity-backed) Funds to track these restrictions, instead.

If you decide to create additional equity accounts, we suggest consulting with a CPA to discuss special steps to take at the end of each year to properly transfer equity from the Book Equity balance to your equity account(s).

Since equity accounts take a book's overall equity calculation into account, a separate transaction will be required to establish a beginning balance.

To add a new equity account,

  1. Go into Ledger from the Navigation bar. If your site has multiple books, you'll want to make sure you have the correct book selected in the upper right corner.
  2. Click the Chart of Accounts tab to view all of your current accounts. 
  3. Click "Add to chart" to open a creation window to the right.
  4. Enter in the account name, and account number, if applicable.
  5. Under "Create account under", use the drop-down menu to select either the Equity account type, or a parent account under the Equity heading further down the list.
  6. Click "Save" to confirm the creation of the account.
