Migrating your Books from Church360° Ledger


The new Ledger interface in Church360° has the ability to import accounts, transactions, and other data from a church's separate Church360° Ledger site (located at your-subdomain.360ledger.com) into the same Church360° site as a church's membership, attendance, and offering information (located at your-subdomain.church360.app).

Users with access to the Church360° Members site (and appropriate permissions to access the import utility) will need to log into the site and initialize the import to bring that information over.

  • Note: Before starting the import, users will need to address and generate all instances found under Pending Transactions on the Church360° Ledger site. It is also prudent to export or print various reports for comparison after the import.
  • Note: Users will not immediately lose access or use of the Church360° Ledger site after an import. If users need to re-import their data into Church360° Members from Church360° Ledger, they can contact support to wipe their previous import.

The import happens in two parts.

  • The first part is the import of the data, including books, accounts (and categories), transactions, payees, budgets, fiscal years, reconciliations, and recurring transactions.
  • The second part involves assigning or creating roles and logins for emails found on the Church360° Ledger site.

To import data from a Church360° Ledger site into the new Ledger module in Church360° Members,

  1. Log into the Church360° Members site. Users will need administrator permissions to access and manage the Ledger module to access the import utility.
  2. Click the dollar sign icon on the navigation bar to the left of the site to open the Ledger module.
  3. On the Overview view, there will be three options for starting a financial book. Click "Migrate Data" to bring data from an existing Church360° Ledger site.


4. The next screen further explains the two parts of the import process. Click "Start data migration" to     initialize the process.


5. A table will appear showing the calculation and processing of various financial data. Once the   process finishes, review the data to see if any records were invalid or skipped. Keep these in mind in   case a template or record needs to be recreated manually. Click "Continue to Logins and Roles" to   start on the second part of the import process.


In the next part of the process, users will be greeted with a list of all email addresses attached to their Church360° Ledger site. These emails can either be assigned to an existing Church360° Members login, attached to a person record with an invitation to create a new login, or skipped entirely.

For each email address on the left side,

  1. Click the email to show available options on the right side of the screen.
    • If this email belongs to a person with an existing login, click "Yes" and select the login from the drop-down list.
    • If this email belongs to a person without an existing login, click "No".
      • If there is a person record with this specific email as a home, personal, or work email, an invitation will be sent to the email to create a login.
      • If there isn't a person record with this specific email, select a person with any existing email and an invitation will be sent to the person's email to create a login.
      • If the person you want to invite doesn't have a personal or work email on their record, skip their email in this process and create a login manually after the import.
    • If this email belongs to a person who no longer needs access to Ledger, click to "Skip migrating this user".
  2. Below the first option section, there is a section showing all of the permissions they had on the previous site. Users can use this as reference when creating and choosing appropriate roles to assign to logins. In the third section, click an existing role to assign to this login or click "Add Role" to create a custom role with specific permissions.
  3. Click the "Done" button to confirm your choices.
  4. Repeat the above steps for each email. Each email should have a checkmark or "X' mark to show choices have been made and confirmed. Once all choices have been confirmed, click "Save Selections" to finish the assignments. If a message appears regarding an email, go to that email and edit your choices as needed. Logins and roles can always be edited after the import.


For more information on logins or roles after the import, please visit our articles on adding logins, reassigning logins, adding roles, editing roles, and role permissions.