Printing or Exporting your Budgets


Once budgets have been entered or calculated, users can print or export their numbers directly from the browser. This can be used for hard copy records or to plan out a future budget.

Another option would be to export a budget sheet to a CSV file, edit the budget amounts in the file and then import the new values.

If you are looking to view more information, you may want to create a custom financial report including budget and actual information.

To print or export budgets, 

1. Go into Ledger from the Navigation bar. If your site has multiple books, you'll want to make sure you have the correct book selected in the upper right corner.

2. Click the Budgets tab to view all of your current budgets.


3. Click the "Change" link to change your budget fiscal year, if needed.


4. To the right of the page, click to either "Print" from your internet browser or "Export" to a CSV file.
