For children off to college or a spouse to a nursing home, you may elect to either leave them in their current household but add an away address for the individual. Or, if you'd rather, you can also move them into their own household with their own address. This choice is dependent on the specific situation and your office's preference.
If you elect to move them into their own household, their relationships will not be affected: Church360° views a household simply as a shared location or address for grouping and mailing purposes.
To move a person to another existing household,
1. Select the profile of the individual from the People view (for reference, person records will have a Family section whereas household records have a Members section).
2. Click the Mailing Address section to open it for editing. The section should highlight in a faint blue when you hover over it. You don't want to click on the orange link to take you to the household record.
3. Select the desired household from the drop-down menu if the household has already been created.
If the individual is moving to a new household, input the new address.
4. Click anywhere outside the box to save your changes. You may be prompted whether you are updating the current address or if you are creating a new household.