The Offerings view holds many different customization options like an interactive report. The view can then be printed or exported to a spreadsheet file for more analysis.
To print or export the Offerings view,
1. Go into Offerings from the Navigation bar.
2. Using either the date range under the Offerings title or by selecting parts of the bar graph, choose a desired date range. To avoid system lagging, date ranges for the Offerings view is limited to 18 months.
3. Use the first drop-down menu to the right to select whether to show individual Offerings, Summaries by Fund, or Summaries by Giver.
4. Use the second drop-down menu or Smart Group traits to show what givers to include in the view.
5. Once the data looks accurate, go to the upper right of the view, there are action buttons for printing and downloading.
- Click "Print" to open a print preview of the view. To print from the browser, press CTRL+P or right-click the page and choose “Print”.
- Click "Download" to export the batch to a CSV or Excel file. Users can open a spreadsheet program to edit or print the spreadsheet format.