If a fund has no offerings or pledges attributed to it, you can simply delete the fund from your Funds view. However, even if your fund is no longer used, you may not want to lose a fund’s giving history.
Archiving a fund will remove the ability for people to give offerings toward it while also keeping its data intact. This can be a temporary state as you can always reactivate the fund if your congregation starts giving to it again.
To archive or delete a fund,
1. Click on the gear icon to open your Settings view.
2. On the navigation menu on the left, select “Funds” under the Offerings section.
3. Click on the second icon to the far right of the fund (either a box or a trashcan) to remove it from the list.
- Click the box icon to archive the fund, hiding it from reports and other views. Click the box icon again to unarchive the fund.
- Click the trash can icon to delete the fund.