Editing Pastoral Visits


If you ever make a mistake or need to tweak a Pastoral Visit record that you have already entered, you can easily make changes to the record on the Pastoral Visits view.

The Pastoral Visits view is not where you put details related to the visit. That will be done as a note on the person or household record itself. For more information regarding notes, please visit this article.

To edit an existing pastoral visit, 

1. Click on the gear icon to go to People.

2. Go to the Pastoral Visits view.

3. Click a blank area on the row of the visit you need to edit.


4. Edit the date or types of the pastoral visit.




  • If you need to change the person being visited or the person doing the visiting, it's recommended to delete the row entirely and recreate the entry.

5. Click "Save" to confirm your changes.
