Understanding Smart Groups Criteria and Traits


Each Smart Group is created with certain criteria to define it. These criteria allow you to organize the information of the people in your church into different groups.

 Remember, Smart Groups are dynamic; they automatically add or remove members that meet or do not meet the criteria of the group.

A list of viable Smart Groups Traits are as follows: 

Added: filters people by the date they were added to your Church360° Members account

 Address: filters people by their active, permanent, or away addresses

 Age: filters people by age

 Age at: filters people by their age at a certain event in their life

 Attended: filters people by attendance for a date or date range

 Baptized: filters people by their Baptism status and/or date

 Birthday: filters people by a date or date range of their birthday

 Children: filters people who may have children in a certain Smart Group

 Communed: filters people who have taken Communion on a certain date

 Confirmed: filters people by their confirmation status or date of confirmation

 Contributed to: filters people by fund, date, and/or amount of contribution

 Died: filters deceased people for a given date or date range

 Divorced: filters people by divorce status or date of divorce

 Email Address: filters people by whether their email address is deliverable or undeliverable

 Envelope Number: Filters people by their envelope number for a given date range

 Ethnic Group: filters people by ethnicity

 Female: filters by people who are or are not marked as female

 First Name: filters people by characters in their first name

 Last Name: filters people by characters in their last name

 Living: filters people who are or are not living

 Male: filters by people who are or are not marked as male

 Married: filters by people who are or are not marked as married

 Members: filters people by their status of membership for a given date range

 Modified: filters people by the date their record was modified

 Nonmembers: filters people by nonmember status for a given date range

 Parents: filters people who may have parents in a certain Smart Group

 Phone Number: filters people by their phone number, listed or unlisted

 Pledged to: filters people by the fund(s) and date range of their pledges

 Received: filters people by the method and date of their reception into the congregation

 Removed: filters people by the method and date of their removal from the congregation

 Smart Group: finds people who are or are not in a given Smart Group

 Spouse: filters people by their spouse’s membership in a given Smart Group

 Sunday School Grade: filters people by their Sunday School grade

 Tags: filters people by the Tags assigned to them

 Wedding Date: filters people by their wedding date or date range

 Widow(er)s: filters people who are currently marked as a Widow or Widower

 Widowed: filters people by the date they were widowed