After syncing, donations made through Vanco will start to flow into Church360° under the name of each Vanco fund. These donations will be included in summaries but will not be attributed to a specific fund in Church360° until the Vanco fund is linked to it.
Once a Vanco fund is linked to their respective Members fund, all past and future offerings from that fund will be correctly attributed, including on fund summaries.
If the system detects that there is a Vanco fund that is unlinked, there may be a notification available stating such.
To match a Vanco fund to a Church360° fund,
1. Click on the gear icon to open your Settings view.
2. On the navigation menu on the left, select “Vanco Integration” under the Integration section.
3. Under the row of Vanco credentials, click the link stating how many synced funds are available.
4. For any gray Vanco Giver row, click the row to open it for editing.
5. Use the drop-down menu under Members Fund to select the fund that should inherit these electronic offerings and click "Link". The row will appear green in the list once linked.
If there are funds from Vanco that do not correlate to funds in Church360º Members (with offerings that do not need to show on statements), you can choose to ignore them by clicking the “Ignore” link next to its text box.