Anniversaries: The dates of birthdays, baptisms, confirmations, deaths, and wedding anniversaries can be displayed in the Events view. Anniversary dates for any of these events can be added in an individual's profile.
Asterisk (*): The symbol used to indicate a non-member in the church directory.
Attendance View: The view that allows you to record attendance for events that are in your Events calendar.
Barcodes: Generated bars for mailing labels, used to send mail through the USPS.
Calendars: A collection of different events in the church.
Column Selector: The tool that allows you to add or subtract sortable data in the Households and People views.
Contribution Statements: Documents generated based on offerings. These provide accurate, yearly information on your members’ giving history.
Criteria: A collection of traits that are used to define a Smart Group.
CSV: An exportable file type that stores your members’ data for use in a spreadsheet program like Microsoft Excel.
Custom Fields: Uniquely created fields that can be used to record information that is specific to your church.
Docx: A exportable file type that can be opened in word processing programs like Microsoft Word.
Events View: The view that displays calendars for the various events scheduled in your church.
Filter: An option used to narrow down or refine a certain subset of information.
Headings: The bold text at the top of a page or section.
Household: A group of people who reside together.
Latin Cross: The symbol used in your data fields to indicate a deceased church member.
Listed: This designation can refer to either (1) people who wish to be listed in the church directory or (2) people who wish to have their phone numbers or email addresses listed in the directory (this second case can be used as a Smart Group trait).
Membership: The group of people who are listed as official members of your church. Visitors or guests are not counted as part of your church membership.
Offerings View: The view that displays financial contributions to your church from individuals or households.
Pastoral Visits: The view that allows you to see when members of your congregation have been visited by a pastor, staff member, or layperson. Use Pastoral Visits to make sure that people are visited periodically or when needed.
People View: The view that allows you to see individuals and households in your database.
Reports View: A collection of views that you use, email, or print frequently. Creating reports saves you from defining your view every time you need to email a group of people or view attendance for a specific date range.
Roles: The mechanism used to allow or deny access to certain features within Church360º Members. Roles prevent certain users from seeing private information or making unnecessary changes to your church information.
Shepherd’s Staff: CTS’s Windows-based, offline church management software.
Smart Group: A dynamic group of people that fit a certain set of criteria.
Tags: A way to label your members, allowing you to easily find people who meet certain criteria.
Traits: Qualities that describe a certain person.
Trends: A collection of data that compares statistics across time periods.