A person’s profile contains a link to view his or her attendance history that users can use to reference events this person has attended.
To view a person's attendance history from their individual record,
1. Go to the People view and click on the individual's name to open the profile.
2. On the right side of the profile, click on the “Last attended” link to open the personal attendance page. This page displays the latest events this person has attended.
3. Use the date-range selector to specify the date range of the individual’s attendance. You can do this by dragging the handles on either side of the selector to choose the start and end dates.
4. To filter your attendance results by calendar, use the drop-down menu on the top right portion of the page. Below the date-range selector is a summary of the events the person has attended, based on the date range you selected. The green check mark indicates the person attended an event, and the gray “x” indicates that the person did not attend the event.