Emailing an Individual's Contribution Statement from their Profile


Individual contribution statements can be emailed from a person’s profile in Church360º Members.

This feature is the best option to email a contribution statement for only one individual.

To email an individual their contribution statement,

1. Go to the People view and click on either the individual or household name to open the profile.

2. On the upper right of the profile, click "Download" to see all download options and choose "Contribution Statement".

3. In the setting window, choose the date range for the statement and whether an empty statement should be created if there are no offerings for this person within this date range.

4. Edit the body of your email message in the box at the bottom of the screen.

5. Click on the “Review and Email” button to prepare your statements for email.

6. Select which of the available email addresses should receive the statement and click “Send.” The statement will then be emailed to the contributor.