Comparing Offerings Trends


Use the Offerings Trends Report to give you a graphical view of your giving history over time. Offerings trends let you view this history in bar- or line-graph format.

  1. Click “Offerings” in the Primary Navigation at the top of the screen.
  2. Click on “Compare.” You will be taken to a Trends report.
  3. Within the Trends Report view, click “Compare” again and select your desired date range. Use the bar on the left side of your screen to zoom in and out for your selected date range. Select from a bar or line graph by using the buttons to the right of the zoom bar. Use the arrows on either side of the screen to move backward and forward in time.
  4. Select the appropriate funds by clicking on the “Edit” option underneath the text on the lower portion of your screen. You may enter a name for these offerings and click “Save,” if desired.
  5. Download, print, or save your Offerings Trends Report when ready.
  6. If you wish to save the Offerings Report for future use, click on the“Save Report” option on the right side of your screen.
  7. Enter the name for your Offerings Report and click “Save.” The report will be saved and automatically added to your list of saved reports.
  8. To access your saved report in the future, click on the Reports tab in the Primary Navigation and look for your report in the Starred Reports section.
