Activity overview
Latest activity by Jordan-Bogart-
Jordan Bogart created an article, Deleting Logins
You may wish to delete logins for users who transfer their membership or no longer belong to your church. Click the gear icon on the right side of the Primary Navigation at the top of the screen. ...
Jordan Bogart created an article, Editing Logins
After initially creating a login, you may want to edit a person’s roles or other login credentials. Click the gear icon on the right side of the Primary Navigation at the top of the screen. Select...
Jordan Bogart created an article, Reassign Login
At times, you may need to provide a new person a login with an email address that is already in use. For example, if you get a new church secretary, and the login that the previous secretary was us...
Jordan Bogart created an article, Adding Logins
In order for other people to log in to your Church360° Members site, you will need to add them as users and assign a role to each of them. As personnel change within your church, you may need to m...
Jordan Bogart created an article, Role Permissions
When creating Logins, you'll need to select roles that will determine what that user can see and edit on your Church360° site. Role permissions will be attributed to all logins with their assigned ...
Jordan Bogart created an article, Deleting Roles
If a role is no longer being used, users can delete the role to remove that set of permissions. Note: Administrator roles for any area of the software cannot be edited or deleted. To edit a role's ...
Jordan Bogart created an article, Why can't I access my Church360° Members site? [FAQ]
Due to recent security updates in Church360° Members, the way you access your Church360° Members has changed. Previously, the web address for your Church360Members site used the convention of "(you...
Jordan Bogart created an article, Why can I not delete a marriage relationship? [FAQ]
Sometimes, you might mistakenly put two people together in a marriage relationship that you didn't intend to. Under normal circumstances, this marriage relationship between the two people can be de...
Jordan Bogart created an article, How do I prepare my LCMS Youth List?
To prepare your LCMS Youth List, you'll need to set up a few Smart Groups to get the appropriate people and fields of information. The first thing you'll want to do is to set up a Smart Group: Cli...
Jordan Bogart created an article, Deleting Pastoral Visits
If the person being visited or the person doing the visiting needs to be changed for a pastoral visit entry, it's recommended to delete the existing entry and recreate the visit. You can delete a p...