After receiving extensive feedback about additional reporting for financial balances and activity, CTS has created a brand new report writer built to allow as much or as little customization for reporting as users could want.
When navigating to the Financial Reports view, users will see a list of available default reports as well as any reports created by other users.
All reports can be created, shared, saved, then used with different fiscal years and months.
Action Button
Like other views, the Financial Reports view has an action button to create a new report.
Report List
From this list of reports, you can view each report's name and author.
The default reports are as follows:
- Balance Sheet - This account report shows the starting balance, ending balance, total debits, total credits, and differences of the chosen fiscal year, for all asset, and liability accounts in the current chart of accounts.
- Chart of Accounts - This account report shows the starting balance, ending balance, total debits, total credits, and differences of the chosen fiscal year, for all accounts in the current chart of accounts.
- Check Register - This ledger report shows all checks and their details for all accounts created within a chosen date range.
- General Ledger - This ledger report shows all transactions, their details, and a running balance for all accounts created within a chosen date range.
- Statement of Income and Expense - This account report shows the budget, actual, percent of budget, and budget remaining for the chosen fiscal year.
Actions for Reports
- Add to Favorites - The star icon to the far right of a report name will mark it as one of your favorites to make it easier to find and access.
- Delete Report - The trash can icon to the far right of a report name will remove the report from your view. Only the original author of a report can delete their own reports from all user views.
- Edit Report - The pencil icon to the far right of a report name will open the report in an edit window that users can change different settings, columns, and calculations and resave it or save it as a copy.
- View Report - The arrow icon to the far right of a report name will open the report in a viewable format where users will only be able to edit the fiscal year and month as needed.