Reordering Accounts


When adding or editing accounts on the Chart of Accounts view, users may need to move accounts into a different order for easier visibility and reporting. Newer accounts may need to be moved up the chart of account list or older accounts with less activity can be moved down.

Accounts can be reordered within their parent account, indicated by the number of lines to the left of their account name. To move an account under a different parent account, the account itself will need to be edited. For more information, please visit our article on editing accounts.

To reorder accounts within a parent,

  1. Click the Chart of Accounts tab to view all of your current accounts. 
  2. Find the parent account you want to reorder and click the list icon on the far right of the account name to open the reordering window. If you are unsure of which icon is which, hover over the icon with your mouse to see a tooltip labeling each action button. Only parent accounts will have a reorder button available.
  3. In the reordering window, click the up and down arrow buttons to move their respective accounts up or down.
  4. Click "Save" to save your changes.
  5. Continue this with any parent account that needs reordering.

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