Navigating the Budgets view


On the Budgets view, users can enter budgets for income and expense accounts marked to allow budgeting. Accounts created under a Fund can also be budgeted if so marked.


Task Buttons

In this view, there are links that allow the budget table to be printed or exported.

  • Print - This option allows you to print all budgeted accounts with their yearly and monthly totals.
  • Export- This option allows you to export all budgeted accounts with their yearly and monthly totals to a CSV file.


Fiscal Year selector

In the top left corner of the view, users can select what fiscal year to view budget information for by clicking on the "Change" link.

Next to the drop-down menu, a status will tell you if a fiscal year is locked or unlocked. If a fiscal year is locked, users will not be able to enter any budget additions or edits.


Table of Accounts and their Budgets

The table of accounts will consist of account types and parent account names, shaded gray, that total the budgets for the accounts under them and cannot be directly edited.

Click any white box in the table to open up an entry window for the selected account's budget amounts.


Budget Entry Window

In the budget entry window to the right, the name of the account will show at the top, with the fiscal year under it.

There are three columns shown to help users populate the budget fields manually or automatically.

  • Monthly totals - This column contains fields that users can manually enter in budgets for each month of the fiscal year. If this account contains only a yearly balance, users can enter the full amount either in January or December, depending on how they want the budget totals to show on mid-year reports.
  • Prior year budget - This column displays the budget numbers from the previous fiscal year for this account. Clicking on the button to the left of the header will populate the current budget fields according to this column.
  • Prior year actual - This column displays the actual numbers from the previous fiscal year for this account. Clicking on the button to the left of the header will populate the current budget fields according to this column.

In addition to the columns in this window, there are three adjustment fields that users can use to enter the same amount/adjustment to the current fields. These fields either calculate based on the current monthly totals or replace them entirely.

  • Adjust by % - This option allows the user to enter a percentage to add to the current monthly totals.
  • Change by - This option allows the user to enter in a positive or negative number to add to the current monthly totals.
  • Set all to - This option allows the user to enter in a number to replace each monthly total.

At the bottom of the entry window, users can cancel their entry, save their current monthly totals, or save their current monthly totals and continue to the next account displayed.
