If a person has fully opted-in and their number is listed on their person record, they should now be ready to receive text messages.
If the person has fully opted-in with a number not yet connected to their person record, there is one additional step for an administrator to match them up.
To match up an opted-in number to their respective person record,
1. Click on the gear icon to open your Settings view.
2. On the navigation menu on the left, select “Text Messaging Opt-In” under the Communications section.
3. Under the Send Opt-in Email section, click to "Match Phone Number Submissions".
4. On the Opt-in Submissions page, click on any row that doesn't have a record selected in the "Members Contact" column and use the drop-down menu to select (or create) a person record to attach the phone number to.
5. Click "Link" to confirm the link.