If you have a Communications message in draft or scheduled status, you can add and edit features of the message up until the time when it's actually sent.
Note: Sent messages can be reviewed for statistics but cannot be edited.
To edit a pending message,
1. Go to the Communications view from the navigation bar.
2. Under Pending Messages, locate the message you'd like to edit and click the pencil icon to the far right of the row under Actions. This will open up the message for additions and edits.
3. You can edit the message type, title, audience, contacts, or recreate your message as you need.
4. After finishing your message, choose your desired action from the buttons at the bottom of the page.
- Cancel - This will cancel your message permanently and return you to the main Communications screen.
- Save Draft / Update Draft - This will save the message to the main Communications screen without sending it. You will be able to edit this message before scheduling and sending it at a later time.
- Schedule - This will allow you to set a date and time for your message to be sent to all chosen recipients.
- Send - This will send your message out immediately to all chosen recipients.
5. Once the message has been sent, you will be able to review its statistics from the main Communications view under Sent Messages.