The Offerings view allows users to quickly enter and access offering details and summaries by either giver or fund.
Date Range Selector
If you are looking for offering details or summaries for a specific date range, users can click on the date range below the Offerings heading or use the slider on the graph to edit it as needed.
To avoid large amounts of data creating lagging, date ranges are limited to 18 months.
To the right of the Offerings heading, there is a button labelled "New Batch" that takes users to the batch entry screen for offerings.
Action Buttons
- Download - On the Offerings view, you can export offering information to a spreadsheet, either in Excel or CSV format. Downloads will specifically filter based on what data is visible.
- Print - This option allows you to print your list of visible records and information directly from your browser.
- Compare - This option will open the selected date range as an attendance and contribution comparison between multiple years.
- Save Report - This option allows you to save the columns and layout of your current view. You can access your saved reports at any time by clicking on the Reports page in the Primary Navigation bar.
Drop-Down Menus
On the right of the view, who and what type of information is shown under the Offering details can be filtered by two drop-down menus.
The first drop-down menu houses three options for the Offerings view.
- Offerings - This option shows each individual offering made within the selected date range. Hovering over an offering record will highlight all other offerings that share the same batch, allowing users to reopen and edit existing batches.
- An offering's Name/Envelope, Fund, or Type can be clicked on to apply a filter for the view.
- Summaries by Fund - This option shows a summary of each fund with offerings within the selected date range, including information on the average gift range, total amount given in the date range, total amount pledged in the date range, and pledge statistics. Clicking a column header will sort the list by that field.
- Summaries by Giver - This option shows a summary of each giver with offerings within the selected date range, including information on the average gift range, total amount given in the date range, total amount pledged in the date range, and pledge statistics. Additional columns of data can be selected from the Columns drop-down menu. Clicking a column header will sort the list by that field.
The second drop-down will contain a list of all Smart Groups (denoted with a lightbulb icon) and Tags (denoted with a tag icon) that you can select to automatically filter your view. On the right of this menu is a button with three lines on it. This will open up the Smart Group Trait drawer to access specific criteria to filter your view.
Overview Graph and Offering details
Once your date range and data filters are selected, the graph at top of the visible data shows an overview of your offerings.
Information displayed is dependent on the option chosen from the first drop-down menu.