Entering Offerings


Users can record all offerings given on a single date or event in a single batch.

1. Go into Offerings from the Navigation bar.

2. On the Offerings view, click the “New Batch” button at the top of the page.


3. Select the date (and event, if applicable) for the batch and click "Add". 


4. For each offering, record the giver’s name (or envelope number), payment type, check number (if applicable), fund, amount, and memo. Press the Enter or Return key to save the row and update the batch's total. Once an offering is saved, it is recorded to the giver's record and the Offerings view.


5. If the site uses the Ledger module for financial reporting, users can click on "Post to Ledger" once the batch has been entered and verified to create a pending deposit in the Ledger module. This can only be done once. Any edits or additions will need to be made manually in both Offerings and Ledger.


Note: The "Post to Ledger" button will only appear for churches that use the Ledger module. 

Note: Posting to Ledger refers to creating an offering batch into a pending deposit for financial records, and is not required for an offering to be recorded and saved.