Comparing Trends


A Trends Report compares statistics across years. You can compare any statistics—Attendance, Offerings, Pledges, or Membership—from any event, by any group of people.

 Trends graphically represent the numbers of your congregation. The graph allows you to easily compare giving from year-to-year, to notice spikes or declines in attendance, or to track an event’s success over the years.

  1. Click “Reports” in the Primary Navigation at the top of the screen.
  2. Click the “New” button next to the “Reports”heading. Select “Trends.”
  3. Click the “New” button next to the “Trends”heading.
  4. Specify which criteria you want to compare, at which event, and from which group of people.
  5. Choose a name for your trend. Click the“Add Trend” button to create your trend.
  6. To compare trends over time, click the“Compare” button underneath the “Trends”heading.
  7. Select the number of years you want to compare. The graph on the screen will visually represent the numbers from the criteria you chose.
  8. To change from a line to a bar graph, select the appropriate option on the left side of the screen.

Hovering over any of the points on the graph will show the details of that point, such as the name of the trend the point is on, the date, and the statistic.

To see more details of a specific trend, click on the name of the trend below the graph to open that trend’s details.
