Reassigning Logins


At times, you may need to provide a new person a login with an email address that is already in use.

For example, if you get a new church secretary, and the login that the previous secretary was using for their login was a generic secretary email account for your church, you may want to be able to use that email address again for your new secretary.

For cases like this, users can reassign a login to a new person record to assign the same login email and password (though it's recommended this is reset when changing personale), without having to delete the login and reinvite someone manually.

To reassign a login,

1. Click on the gear icon to open your Settings view.

2. On the navigation menu on the left, select “Logins” under the Admin section.

3. Find the login you want to change and click the pencil icon to the right to open it for editing.

4. Use the drop-down field to choose a different person record.

5. Click "Save" to save your changes. Whenever the account is signed into next, it will be associated with the new person you selected.