Recording Event Attendance


Keeping a record of attendance allows you to see how many people are regularly attending events at your church. This information can be used to create reports that will help you assess the growth of your church and the events that are offered. 

Attendance batches can be worked on and updated continually without the need for posting. Only events marked to take attendance and have since passed are available on the batch entry screen.

In the case of visitors, users have a choice between creating a person record beforehand for any visitor the church would like to record or simply add the number of visitors as an additional headcount.

To record or update an event's attendance,

1. Click the icon to go to Events and go to the Attendance view.


2. Click the "Enter Attendance" button.


3. On the right hand side of the screen, find and select the event and date to enter attendance for.


4. Scroll through the list of person names and click those who attended the event. Users can use the search bar or Smart Group selector to filter the visible list.

It's also worth noting that a new attendance entry view available that you can try by clicking "Try the new version" in the upper right corner of the batch entry screen.


  • Clicking the household name will select all names within the household.
  • Clicking the box will mark a person as having attended.
  • Clicking the chalice (if applicable) will mark a person as having communed.

5. All selections will be counted and saved automatically at the bottom of the screen. If desired, users can enter a number in the “additional headcount” box for visitors without a person record.


The total number for your event attendance will be recorded in the number on the right side of the screen. Once selections have been made, no additional actions are needed.