Editing Attendance


If attendance batches need to be corrected or updated, users can open past events and edit their attendance selections in the same way they added them in initially.

Changes to attendance batches are automatically updated with each change. 

To record or update an event's attendance,

1. Click the icon to go to Events and go to the Attendance view.


2. Click the "Enter Attendance" button.


3. On the right hand side of the screen, find and select the event and date to enter attendance for. Events with attendance records will have a checkmark next to their calendar list.


4. Select and deselect people as needed. If desired, users can enter a number in the “additional headcount” box for visitors without a person record.

The total number for your event attendance will be recorded in the number on the right side of the screen. Once selections have been made, no additional actions are needed.
