Recording Communion


For events where Communion is offered, Church360º Members allows you to record those who received Communion and when. 

This feature provides altar guild members an approximate number of people communing so they can prepare enough elements, and it provides pastors with an understanding of who has not communed in a while.

  1. Click “Attendance” in the Primary Navigation at the top of the screen.
    Note: If you are using the new side panel Navigation, click "Events" and then the "Attendance" tab
  2. Click the "Enter Attendance" button.
  3. On the right side of the screen, select the event you are recording attendance for.
  4. Communion is recorded using the chalice symbol in each box. To mark an individual ashaving communed, select the chalice next to the person’s name.
  5. To record Communion for a family, select the chalice next to the household name.
  6. To mark everyone in the list as having communed, click on the orange “Select All”link next to “Communed” in the ribbon at the bottom of the screen. Selecting everyone as having communed will also mark everyone as having attended.

 The program will auto-save all your changes.
