Users can add notes and pastoral visits to both household and individual profiles.
1. From the People's view, click on the individual or household name to open the profile.
2. The Timeline section is located on the left of the page underneath the Email Addresses section.
3. Click the plus sign next to the heading and click "Add Note".
4. Choose a date for the note to appear on the Timeline.
5. Click inside the first text box to enter in content.
6. Click inside the second text box to select what People-related roles can see this note. Leaving this box blank will allow only the current user to view it.
7. Click outside the note box to return to the normal profile view; your changes will be saved automatically.
- To edit a note, click the note to edit its contents. and click anywhere outside the edit box to save your changes.
- To delete a note, hover over the note name, click on the minus sign, then click on the red “Delete” button to confirm your deletion.