The profile view for a household will display information about the household as a whole, applying to all of its members. From here, you can see a variety of information, divided in different sections on the left, center, and right areas of the screen.
On the Left of the Screen
Family Name/ Addressee - Clicking the surname in a household record allows access to the household's Family Name and Addressee fields.
- Note: The Addressee will be what is displayed on mailing labels generated for the household.
Permanent address - This area displays the physical location of a household and can be edited by clicking on the address. Addresses can be marked as unlisted.
- Note: Any changes made here will be reflected in the records of all members of the household.
- Note: If a household has a different mailing address (like a PO Box) or has an additional address (like snow birds), you can click the box stating "My mailing address is different" to add an additional address for the entire household.
Phone numbers - This area displays all household phone numbers listed for the household. This does not include work, cell, or home phone numbers found on each member's individual profile.
Email Addresses - This area displays all household email addresses listed for the household. This does not include personal, work, or home email addresses found on each member's individual profile.
Timeline - This area displays any notes or pastoral visit history related to the household.
- Note: Any notes added to the household will also appear as a note on each person within the household.
At the Center of the Screen
Members - Shows all person records currently residing at this household.
- Note: Users can drag member names under Members into the order they would like them to appear on a directory.
On the Right of the Screen
The buttons located to the far right of the record name contain options to download and print information related to the individual’s record, including contribution statements and mailing labels.
Download - This feature allows you to export information about the household to a CSV or Excel file or download reports for an individual, like a single mailing label.
Print - This feature prints the profile of the currently selected household. To print a label, use the Download feature above.
Profile Photo - The household's profile photo will appear in the top right corner of the screen.
Any custom fields created for households would be displayed below the profile image.
Last visited - This display holds the household's last pastoral visit and contains a link to a filtered Pastoral Visits view for that household, if clicked.