Navigating the Envelopes view


Though it is not required to have an envelope number for users to add offerings to a person or couple and generate contribution statements for them, many churches still use a physical envelope system is some format.

For those situations, users can add, edit, remove, and reorganize envelope numbers for their congregations from the Envelopes view.

Search Bar

Users can use the search bar to filter the list of visible giving units. Any renumbering actions will be applied only to the envelopes currently visible.

Drop-Down Menu

On the right of the view, giving units can also be filtered by the available drop-down menu. Any renumbering actions will be applied only to the envelopes currently visible.


Fields and Actions for Envelopes

  • Name - Displays the name of the giving unit.
  • Spouse - Displays the name of the spouse of the giving unit. If spouses are giving separately, they will have their own row for an envelope number. Users can add a spouse to this field to create a marriage relationship between the two records from this view.
  • Contributes Jointly - If a couple is married, they have the option to contribute offerings jointly and share an envelope number. If this box is checked, both spouses will be on a single line. Users can mark a married couple as giving jointly from this view.
  • Current Envelope - Displays the envelope number currently being used in the system for the giving unit, if applicable.
  • Don't Renumber - If a giving unit wants to retain a certain number or remain blank, users can check this box to "lock in" whatever is currently in the "Next Envelope" field so that it cannot be edited.
  • Next Envelope - Users will use this field to enter in any changes to a giving unit.
    • To add an envelope number, enter a new, unused number into the "Next Envelope" field.
    • To edit an envelope number, clear the number currently in the "Next Envelope" field and enter in a new, unused number.
    • To remove an envelope number, clear out the number currently in the "Next Envelope" field and leave it blank. If you want this giver to remain without a number, it's recommended to check the "Don't Renumber" box to "lock in" the blank status.
  • Scheduled Envelope - If an edit or renumbering has been scheduled instead of applied immediately, an additional column will appear to show the scheduled change.


Utility Bar

At the bottom of the Envelopes view, there should be a dark bar housing a renumbering utility and actions that can be applied to any unsaved changes made on the view.

  • Renumber - This action will automatically renumber all visible giving units alphabetically, starting with the number entered into the field to the left of the button.
  • Clear All - This action will clear out all numbers for all visible giving units.
  • Discard Changes - This action will discard any unsaved, unscheduled changes denoted with a dot on the right of the "Next Envelope" field.
  • Apply Changes - This action will apply any unsaved, unscheduled changes denoted with a dot on the right of the "Next Envelope" field. This choice is immediate and cannot be undone.
  • Schedule Renumbering - This action will save the current changes denoted with a dot on the right of the "Next Envelope" field and schedule a date when the envelopes will change. It is recommended to schedule these changes a few weeks after the end of the year to allow for offerings to be added according to the previous year's envelope numbering.
  • Delete Scheduled Renumbering - If an edit or renumbering has been scheduled instead of applied immediately, a button may appear with the option to discard any scheduled changes denoted in the "Scheduled Envelope" column.
  • Save Scheduled Renumbering - If an edit or renumbering has been scheduled instead of applied immediately, a button may appear with the option to save (or resave) any scheduled changes denoted in the "Scheduled Envelope" column. This can also be used to schedule the renumbering on a different date.

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