The Funds view organizes the specific purposes and causes that your congregation can designate their pledges and offerings to.
As new needs in your church arise, funds can be created to reflect those needs, such as a building fund for a new sanctuary. From this view, you can add funds as they are needed.
To add a new fund,
1. Click on the gear icon to open your Settings view.
2. On the navigation menu on the left, select “Funds” under the Offerings section.
3. Click to “Add Fund” to create a new fund. The new entry will appear last in your list.
4. Type in the name of the fund. The name can be as general or specific as you'd need.
5. Enter in a fund number if desired. This may make selecting funds from the offering entry screen easier.
6. Choose a color for offerings for this fund to appear on Offering views.
7. Check the box to "Exclude from statements" if offerings made to this fund should be left off of tax statements.
8. Check the box to mark a fund as "Nondeductible" if offerings made to this fund should be marked as nondeductible offerings on a statement (if not excluded from statements).
9. Click "Save" to save your new entry to the fund list.
To move a fund's position in the list, click the icon to the left of the name and drag the fund to its new placement. Release the mouse to lock in its position. Changes will be automatically saved.