The Pledges view shows all pledges by members to give offerings for a particular date range and/or purpose.
Pledges will be added here and can be reviewed from a person's record or on the Offerings view in relation to current giving. Summaries of pledges can also be displayed on a giver's contribution statement.
Action buttons and Pledge filter
Like other views, the Pledges view has action buttons for specific tasks.
- Download - This action will export all visible entries into a CSV or Excel file that you can edit and share.
- Print - This action will open a print preview of all visible entries directly from your browser.
Directly under the Action buttons, there is also a drop-down filter to show only Active pledges (where today's date falls within their set date range) or All pledges (both active and inactive). What is visible is what will be shown in any exports or printed pages.
To enter in a pledge, users can enter in a giving unit's name, the amount given per period (not the total amount unless specified by the period, how often this amount will be given, the start and ending dates for the pledge, and the fund. Click the "Add Pledge" button to confirm the entry.
Pledges List
Below the entry row, all available entries can be seen for reference. Entries can be clicked to open them for editing. Any field, except for the Giver name, can be edited. Hovering over an entry produces a faint grey minus sign to the far right of the record can can be clicked to delete an entry permanently.
- Note: A pledge's Giver name or Fund can be clicked on to apply a filter for the view.