Adding Images to Profiles


Images can be added to individual or household records that can be viewed from the People view or included in directory downloads.

To add an image to a profile,

1. Click a person or household record to open it for editing.

2. Click the placeholder image at the top right of the profile to open the upload window.


3. Click "Upload" to open your file explorer to find and choose the image you want. Church360° accepts JPEG, PNG, GIF, and BMP file types for profiles.


4. Once an image has been uploaded, three additional functions become available.

  • The "Replace" button reopens your file explorer for you to find and choose a replacement for your current image.
  • The "Crop" button opens an editing window where you can adjust and resize the cropping square around your image for a better fit. Click "Crop" again to save your change.
  • The "Remove" button will remove the image from the field completely and will leave only the placeholder image.


5. Click "Close" to save your changes and close the upload window.

It's important to note that the type of directory you generate will determine whether the household or individual image are shown. If your directory is generated from Households mode, the image added to the household record will be available whereas directories generated from Individuals mode will show the image from the person record.