Church360° Members houses the ability to integrate with a church's Vanco e-giving account to import electronic offerings directly as offering batches. Once the integration is set up and synced, Church360° will automatically pull offerings from Vanco about every six hours.
For more information on Vanco e-giving services, please visit their site here.
To set up the integration, Vanco will need to give the site administrator credentials specifically for syncing with Church360°. These will differ from the login information used to log into the Vanco account itself. Different channels
As of 11/28/2023, it's recommended to ask for the NVP API Encryption Key for your account as well. See Enhancement to Vanco Integration for more details on the changes this additional key allows.
To set up Vanco Integration,
1. Click on the gear icon to open your Settings view.
2. On the navigation menu on the left, select “Vanco Integration” under the Integration section.
3. At the top, choose the date when you want to start importing electronic offerings. If you have entered any electronic offerings manually, select a date that is after your last manual entry.
4. In the following fields, enter in the Client ID, User ID, Password, and Encryption Key provided to you by Vanco.
5. Check the box to mark the entry as active.
6. Click “Add” button at the top to connect Church360º Members to your Vanco Payment Solutions account.
7. If the Active? (Last Synced) column doesn't show a date, click on the entry row and click the "Sync Now!" button to start the syncing process. You should only have to do this once.