Editing Linked Funds and Givers


If a Vanco fund or giver needs to be unlinked, unignored, or relinked to another record, users can edit them as needed.

To edit a linked Vanco fund or giver,

1. Click on the gear icon to open your Settings view.

2. On the navigation menu on the left, select “Vanco Integration” under the Integration section.

3. Under the row of Vanco credentials, click the link stating how many synced funds or givers are available, depending on what accounts need to be edited.

4. For any green Vanco Fund or Giver row, click the minus sign to the far right to show additional options.


5. Depending on the status of the row, multiple options can appear.

  • For a matched row, click "Ignore" to ignore offerings from this record or click "Unlink" to unmatch the current record from the Vanco name. The row will appear gray in the list once unlinked.


  • For an ignored row, click "Unignore" to allow the row to link to a record. The row will appear gray in the list once unignored.


Once a row has been unlinked or unignored, the row can be clicked on to link it to a new record.