Adding Custom Fields


If you find there is some information that you would like to record but can't find an appropriate field for, one of your options would be to create a custom field.

To add a new custom field,

1. Click on the gear icon to open your Settings view.

2. On the navigation menu on the left, select “Custom Fields” under the People section.


3. Click to add a field depending on what record and view you would like this custom field to appear.

  • Add Person Field - Use this option to add a field to individual profiles as well as display on the Individuals mode of the People view. Examples of person fields would be School or Occupation.


  • Add Household Field - Use this option to add a field to household profiles as well as display on the Households mode of the People view. Examples of household fields would be a newsletter or mailing list.


4. Enter the name of your new field in the Name box.

5. Select a type for your custom field. You may choose from text, date, list, link, or person link options. If you click the list type, you will be able to type in your options on each line in the box that appears beneath the type field.

  • Text - This field type allows users to type into a text box in a person or household record, for a maximum of 255 characters. This type could include fields like Allergies, Employer, or Job Title.
  • Date - This field type accepts dates through use of a calendar-like pop-up. A field for a person's first visit or communion might be information you would like to add using this type of field.
  • List - Similar to the text box, this field restricts the options to be chosen, shown in a drop-down menu when entering data. You could use this to show a list of Elders or Ministry Groups to choose from. This type can also be used as a true or false distinction as well. Putting Yes or No as the options for something like Background Check Passed or Receives Newsletter could be fields to add, depending on your church's needs.
  • Link - This will create a hyperlink that can be clicked while in a person or household record. These links might take you to a person's Facebook page or personal website.
  • Person Link - This can be used to link one member to another person record within the system (e.g. linking prayer partners, emergency contact, etc).

6. Select the visibility for your custom field. Visibility for custom fields is tied to People roles you create for logins.

7. Click “Save” to save your changes.