Navigating the Smart Groups view


To display person records according to a user's needs, numerous views and reports that can be filtered based on various fields related to a person's individual or household record. These sets of criteria can then be saved for future use as a Smart Group. From here, users can select default or saved Smart Groups to select a subsection of their congregation for various purposes.

Smart Groups can be created and saved from different views where they can then be managed further as needed.

Action buttons

Like other views, the Smart Groups view has action buttons for specific tasks.

  • Add Group - This option will create a new entry for a Smart Group where you can then add and choose different traits to determine who should be included in the group.
  • Print - This option allows users to print a list of Smart Groups directly from your browser.
  • Export - This option will export all Smart Groups, their description, creator, and number of people in the group currently into a CSV file that users can edit and share.

Smart Group List

All Smart Groups and their details are listed in the view.

  • Name - Displays the name of the Smart Group.
  • Description - Displays the default or custom description for the Smart Group.
  • Creator - Displays the login that originally created and saved the Smart Group.
  • People - The number of person records that currently fulfill all of the Smart Group's criteria. Clicking the number link will take users to the People view listing those in the Smart Group.

Actions for Smart Groups

  • Edit Smart Group - The pencil icon to the far right of a Smart Group will open it for editing.
  • Deactivate Smart Group - The eye icon to the far right of a Smart Group will hide it from views. Clicking on the eye icon again will reactivate it. Default and autogenerated Smart Groups cannot be deactivated.
  • Delete Smart Group - The trash can icon to the far right of the Smart Group will remove it from the list.