Adding Grades


In addition to existing grade options, users can create and customize their grade selections for student records to fit their church's needs.

This article is regarding creating new grade options to assign to person records. If you are looking to assign an existing grade to a person record, please visit our article here.

If you are interested in setting up automatic promotion for grades at a specific date each year, please visit our article here.

To add a new grade to your list,

1. Click on the gear icon to open your Settings view.

2. On the navigation menu on the left, select “Grades” under the People section.


3. Click to “Add Grade” to create a new grade. The new entry will appear last in your list.

4. Type in the name of the grade or range you want to add in the text box and click the "Save" button.


5. To move the grade to its correct position, click the icon to the left of the name and drag the grade to its correct position. Release the mouse to lock in the grade’s position. Changes will be automatically saved.


Note: The order on the Grades view determines the promotion order and the final entry in the grade list will be cleared out upon promoting your grades.