Each year, your school-age members will need to be advanced to the next grade. Church360° Members refers to this process as promoting students. You can promote students at any time by changing the grade on each person’s profile. However, to make this process more efficient, you can instead set this process to occur automatically each year.
Students will be promoted through grades in the order the grades are listed in the Grades view, from top to bottom. For this reason, it’s important that the grades are ordered correctly before the automatic promotion occurs, otherwise students will be moved to the wrong grade. If a student is in the last grade listed, their grade will be listed as "none" in their profile.
Only users who can modify account settings can schedule the promotion, and the feature is disabled by default. There is no automated process to demote students.
- Click on the gear icon and select “Account Settings.”
- Under the Grades section, check the box "Automatically promote grade levels" and choose the date on which students will be promoted to the next grade. If you are wanting to promote students as soon as possible, set the date for the following day.
- Click the “Save” button located at the bottom of your screen.
Once this utility is set up, the next time the update is set to run will be displayed. The automatic promotion occurs at 12:30 a.m. (UTC) on the date you specify.