Navigating the Grades view


When adding new people to a database, there may be some within student-age. A grade field is available if a church administration wants to track grades for these students.

The Grades field allows users to add and edit grades for those currently in school.

Action buttons

Like other views, the Grades view has action buttons for specific tasks.

  • Change promotion settings/date - At the top of the view, there will be a statement on whether the site is set to promote grades automatically on a specified date or not. Clicking the link that follows the statement will take users to General Settings, where a promotion date can be chosen or changed.
  • Add Grade - This option will create a new entry for a grade that can be added to a person's record.
  • Print - This option allows users to print a list of grades directly from your browser.
  • Export - This option will export all grades and number of students in each grade currently into a CSV file that users can edit and share.

Grade List

All Smart Groups and their details are listed in the view. The order here determines the promotion order.

  • Name - Displays the name of the grade.
  • People - The number of student records currently in the grade. Clicking the number link will take users to the People view listing those in the grade.

Actions for Grades

  • Rearrange Grade order - By clicking and dragging the left side of a grade, users can move grades up and down. 
  • Edit Grade - The pencil icon to the far right of the grade will open its name for editing.
  • Delete Grade - The trash can icon to the far right of the grade will remove it from the list.